The SE is designed to be easy to rinse and clog-free. Water should easily pass through it, so that hair and cream easily clear out between each pass.

With long periods of use, hair and shaving cream residue sometimes can build up, leading to the need for a SE deep clean.

Here’s our simple guide to get started:

Start with Water

The first step is to leave your SE under hot running water. This will wash off any hairs that are hanging onto the razor handle and the blade. It should also wash away any shaving cream residue.

After you rinse it out, shake out any excess water remaining.

Break Out the Sponge

Sometimes removing shaving cream residue requires more than just hot water. It’s safe to use dish soap and a soft brush or sponge to scrub your razor. It won’t damage the finish and will effectively remove any residue. Don’t be shy - scrub away.

Just be sure to thoroughly rinse and dry your SE when you’re finished washing and scrubbing it.

Time to Sterilize

Multi-blade razors are known for growing bacteria between shaves since they don’t rinse out well. Skin, cream, and hair lives between the blades and grows all kinds of undesirable germs. But we digress.

The SE does not have that problem, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good to sterilize it on a semi-regular basis. To start, give your SE a short dip in rubbing alcohol. This will kill germs and remove any water build up in the tighter nooks of the razor. Follow up with Barbicide or any other barber grade cleaner to fully sterilize it.

You don’t need to do this every time you want to clean your SE, but it’s a good habit to get into for a solid shaving ritual.

Going Deeper

If you’re ready to take your cleaning routine a step further, you’re going to need to remove the SE setting from the razor. This will get any hair or cream that’s gotten stuck behind the setting or the blade.

All you have to do is loosen the screw completely from the handle. Remember that unscrewing the setting from the body will cause the blade to fall out. So, make sure you’re ready to change your blade when you want to clean your SE this way. Also, there should always be a small spring loaded around the screw. Be careful not to lose this when loosening.

After removing the setting, follow the steps above. Rinse it out with hot water. Scrub it with dish soap with a sponge or soft brush. Dip it in rubbing alcohol and Barbicide.

Then, put your setting back on and load a new blade.